المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عمل Npc اسطف بدون اي مشاكل

08-19-2018, 03:49 PM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

اهلا شباب
اهداء للجميع
لعله خير ويبقي في ميزان حسناتنا ان شاء الله
نخش في الموضوع

علشان تضيف الان بي سي بدون مشاكل للجي ام واللعيبه العاديه
اتبع الخطوات معايا وقول بسم الله
افتح باكت هندلر
ودور علي

static bool CheckCommand(Message message, Client.GameState client)

وحط فوقيه علي طول

public static bool CheckCommand2(ConquerXProject.Network.GamePackets. Message message, GameState client)
if (message.__Message.StartsWith("@"))
string str = message.__Message.Substring(1).ToLower();
string str2 = message.__Message.Substring(1);
string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
string str4 = strArray[0];
if (((str4 != null) && (str4 == "algentel")) && (strArray.Length > 2))
string str3 = strArray[1];
ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality @fixed = ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed;
str4 = strArray[2].ToLower();
if ((str4 != null) && (str4 == "fixed"))
@fixed = ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed;
ConquerXProject.Database.ConquerItemBaseInformatio n information = null;
foreach (ConquerXProject.Database.ConquerItemBaseInformati on information2 in ConquerXProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation.Ba seInformations.Values)
if ((information2.Name.ToLower() == str3.ToLower()))
information = information2;
if (information != null)
ConquerXProject.Interfaces.IConquerItem item = new ConquerItem(true)
ID = information.ID,
UID = ConquerItem.ItemUID.Next,
Durability = information.Durability,
MaximDurability = information.Durability
if (strArray.Length > 3)
byte result = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[3], out result);
item.Plus = Math.Min((byte)12, result);
if (strArray.Length > 4)
byte num2 = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[4], out num2);
item.Bless = Math.Min((byte)7, num2);
if (strArray.Length > 5)
byte num3 = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[5], out num3);
item.Enchant = Math.Min((byte)0xff, num3);
if (strArray.Length > 6)
byte num4 = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[6], out num4);
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConquerXProject.Game.Enums. Gem), num4))
item.SocketOne = (ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.Gem)num4;
if (strArray.Length > 7)
byte num5 = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[7], out num5);
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConquerXProject.Game.Enums. Gem), num5))
item.SocketTwo = (ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.Gem)num5;
if (strArray.Length > 10)
byte num6 = 0;
byte num7 = 0;
byte num8 = 0;
byte.TryParse(strArray[8], out num6);
byte.TryParse(strArray[9], out num7);
byte.TryParse(strArray[10], out num8);
item.SocketProgress = (uint)((num8 | (num7 << 8)) | (num6 << 0x10));
item.Color = (ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.Color)((byte)Kernel.Ra ndom.Next(4, 8));
client.Inventory.Add(item, ConquerXProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
return true;
return false;
client.Send(new ConquerXProject.Network.GamePackets.Message("Impossible to handle this command", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, 0x7dc));
return false;

وافتح Npcs

وحط الان بي سي ده تحت اي ان بي سي عندك

#region Stuff Seller Algentel
case 1212520:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey how I can help you . Here you Can Buy Stuff For all Class +9 2 Socket 255 HP -1 ");
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Trojan ", 1);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Warrior ", 2);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Saint ", 3);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Ninja ", 4);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Pirate ", 5);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Archer ", 6);
dialog.Option("Buy Staf Taoist", 7);
dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255);
case 1:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SkyBlade Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ObsidianArmor Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SquallSword Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel NirvanaClub Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SkyBlade Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SquallSword Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel NirvanaClub Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel PeerlessCoronet Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);

dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 2:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SpearOfWrath Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SkyBlade Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ImperiousArmor Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SteelHelmet Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CelestialShield Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel OccultWand Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);

dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel LazuritePrayerBeads Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel LazuritePrayerBeads Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel WhiteLotusFrock Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel XumiCap Super 12 255 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Volcano Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);

dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 4:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HanzoKatana Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HanzoKatana Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel NightmareVest Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel NightmareHood Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel RambleVeil Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 5:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel LordPistol Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CaptainRapier Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel DominatorHat Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel DarkDragonCoat Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 6:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenlyBow Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel WelkinCoat Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel WhiteTigerHat Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Volcano Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenPlume Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);

dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 7:
if (client.Inventory.Count < 25)
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)

client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel HeavenFan Super 12 1 000 103 103", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel StarTower Super 12 1 000 123 123", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Steed Fixed 12 000 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel ridingcrop super 3 0 000 00 00", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SupremeSword Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel EternalRobe Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel DistinctCap Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel WyvernBracelet Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
/PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel CrimsonRing Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel Blizzard Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel FloridNecklace Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel SpearOfWrath Super 9 1 255 13 13", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
PacketHandler.CheckCommand2(new Message("@algentel NiftyBag Super 12 7 255 3 3", System.Drawing.Color.Red, 2001), client);
dialog.Text("Please take 0 cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);

dialog.Text("Sorry pliz Inventory Items.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
case 8:
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 0)
client.Inventory.Add(1080001, 0, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 0;
dialog.Text("You don't have 0 ConquerPoints.");
dialog.Option("Ah, my bad", 255);
//By Code Osama Amrriso
// my name Osama

لو حصل معاك مشاكل فى التركيب خود الخطوة دى

تخش فى النافى كات على npcs وتضيف ده فى سطر جديد

195291 0 0 SellerStuff[Mr Alsokary] 2 45420 -1 1002 311 283 0 0 0 0 0 0

هتخش على Inventory.cs وتبحث عن

public bool Add(uint id, byte plus, byte times, bool bound = false)

وتضيف فوقه ده

public bool AddSoul(uint id, uint soulitem, uint purfylevel, uint timeofpurfy
, byte plus, byte times, bool purfystabliz = false, bool bound = false)
Database.ConquerItemInformation infos = new Database.ConquerItemInformation(id, plus);
while (times > 0)
if (Count <= 39)
ConquerItem item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
#region Stacksize
if (infos.BaseInformation.StackSize > 1)
= (byte)times;
ushort _StackCount = infos.BaseInformation.StackSize;
if (times <= infos.BaseInformation.StackSize)
_StackCount = (ushort)times;
item.StackSize = (ushort)_StackCount;
times -= (byte)_StackCount;
item = new ConquerItem(true);
item.StackSize = 1;
#endregion Stacksize
item.ID = id;
item.Plus = plus;
item.Bound = false;
item.Durability = item.MaximDurability = infos.BaseInformation.Durability;
item.StackSize = 1;
item.MaxStackSize = infos.BaseInformation.StackSize;
item.SocketOne = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem;
item.SocketTwo = Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem;
item.Enchant = 255;
item.Bless = 7;
Add(item, Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd);
if (purfystabliz == false)
#region purfy without stablize
ItemAdding.Purification_ purify = new ItemAdding.Purification_();
purify.AddedOn = DateTime.Now;
purify.Available = true;
purify.ItemUID = item.UID;
purify.PurificationLevel = purfylevel;
purify.PurificationDuration = timeofpurfy * 24 * 60 * 60;
purify.PurificationItemID = soulitem;
item.Purification = purify;
item.Mode = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
ItemAdding effect = new ItemAdding(true);
effect.Type = ItemAdding.PurificationEffect;
#region purfy with stabliz
ItemAdding.Purification_ purify = new ItemAdding.Purification_();
purify.AddedOn = DateTime.Now;
purify.Available = true;
purify.ItemUID = item.UID;
purify.PurificationLevel = purfylevel;
purify.PurificationDuration = timeofpurfy * 24 * 60 * 60;
purify.PurificationItemID = soulitem;
item.Purification = purify;
item.Mode = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update;
ItemAdding effect = new ItemAdding(true);
effect.Type = ItemAdding.PurificationEffect;
var Backup = item.Purification;
Backup.PurificationDuration = 0;
item.Purification = Backup;
effect.Type = ItemAdding.StabilizationEffect;
Database.ItemAddingTable.Stabilize(item.UID, Backup.PurificationItemID);
return false;

catch (Exception e)
return true;

وتخش على npc.cs وتضيف ده فى اى مكان

#region NPC Stuff By Shadow // ********
case 195291:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hey there " + client.Entity.Name + " Would you like to take Full Stuff ");
without stabliz", 1);
with stabliz", 2);
dialog.Option("Stuff Ninja Multiplied by Soul", 3);
dialog.Option("Stuff Monk Multiplied by Soul", 4);
dialog.Option("Stuff Taoist Multiplied by Soul", 5);
dialog.Option("Stuff Trojan Multiplied by Soul", 6);
dialog.Option("Stuff Pirate Multiplied by Soul", 7);
dialog.Option("Stuff Warrior Multiplied by Soul", 8);
dialog.Option("Stuff Archer Multiplied by Soul", 9);
dialog.Option("Steed +12", 10);
dialog.Option("Tower", 11);
dialog.Option("Fan", 12);
TiFa", 13);
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);
case 1:
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800110, 6, 12, 12, 1, false, false);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800110, 6, 12, 12, 1, false, false);
dialog.Text("You Have Got Stuff And Soul Thanks To Mr.TiFa[GM] ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 2:
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800110, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800110, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 3://ninja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(601439, 800142, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Katana
client.Inventory.AddSoul(135309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorNinja
client.Inventory.AddSoul(123309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//NinjaHood
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823059, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 4://Monk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(610439, 800725, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Beads
client.Inventory.AddSoul(136309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(143309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapMonk
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823059, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 5://Fire And Water
client.Inventory.AddSoul(421439, 800522, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//BackSword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(134309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(114309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapFire
client.Inventory.AddSoul(152279, 823060, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bracelet
client.Inventory.AddSoul(121269, 821034, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Bag
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 6://Trojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(410439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Blade
client.Inventory.AddSoul(420439, 800111, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Sword
client.Inventory.AddSoul(130309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(118309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapTrojan
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823059, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 7://Pirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(611439, 800811, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Rapier
client.Inventory.AddSoul(612439, 800810, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Pistol
client.Inventory.AddSoul(139309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(144309, 820076, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//CapPirate
client.Inventory.AddSoul(120269, 821033, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Necklace
client.Inventory.AddSoul(150269, 823059, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Ring
client.Inventory.AddSoul(160249, 824020, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Boot
dialog.Text("thanks for this gift you have got item soul stablized forever ");
dialog.Option("I don't care.", 255);

case 8://Warrior
client.Inventory.AddSoul(560439, 800215, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Spear
client.Inventory.AddSoul(900309, 800422, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//Shield
client.Inventory.AddSoul(131309, 822071, 6, 12, 12, 1, true, false);//ArmorWarrior

وطبعا ان بي سي القاعده انت هتعمله سهل مش محتاج يعني
نظرا لاختلاق القواعد سبتللك انت الان بي سي بتاع القاعده وطبعا اي حد يعرف يعمله

تم بحمد الله

09-10-2018, 02:20 PM
شكرا للشرح يا فنان

Abo Retag
09-10-2018, 04:29 PM
طول عمرك متميز يا اسامة

10-06-2018, 05:54 AM
شكرا للشرح يا فنان

شكرا علي مرورك الطيب

طول عمرك متميز يا اسامة

شكرا يا زعيم علي مرورك اتمنى اكون عند حسن ظنك