تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حصريا علي عرب تهيس WorldPk

06-01-2012, 02:45 AM
السلام عليكم

وانا بظبط في السورس بتاعي اتلقيت الورلد بك قلت انزلها عرب تهيس


################################################## ################################################## #########################
#Coded By 'Mr.Ahmed'
#I Hope you like it
#the nigga who say i've copied it he don't know anythin and i'm saying for him F U!
#sorry nice members [but i'm me!]
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_npc` VALUES ('0031', '0', '0', 'WorldPkEnvoy', '0002', '1110', '-1', '1002', '0429', '0367', '3512800', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'None', '0000', '00', '00', '0000', '00', null);
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512800', '3512802', '3512820', '0123', '3', '6 21:00 6 21:09');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512802', '3512803', '0000', '0101', '0', 'Hello~there!~The~World~PK~War~is~now!,');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512803', '3512804', '0000', '0101', '0', '~And~you~will~be~admitted~into~the~tournament~dur ing~20:30~and~21:10.~Come!~You~will~be~ipressed!') ;
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512804', '3512805', '0000', '0102', '0', 'Send~me~right~now! 60040');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512805', '11367', '0000', '0102', '0', 'No~thanks 0');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60040', '0000', '0000', '0122', '0', '60041 60042 60043 60044 60045 60046 60047 60048');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60041', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 126 146');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60042', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 098 139');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60043', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 092 165');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60044', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 150 112');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60045', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 115 115');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60046', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 090 085');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60047', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 113 073');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60048', '60049', '60040', '1003', '0', '6666 141 085');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_map` VALUES ('6666', 'WorldPkTournament', 'WorldPkTournament1', '1047', '1730', '0', '0000', '-1', '0001', '0000', '0000', '0447', '0347', '1002', '0000', '000', '000', '0000', '0000', '0000', '000', '4294967295');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('203000', '0000', '0000', '0125', '2011', 'It is time for The World PK tournament. Please hurry, World Pk Envoy in Twin City before 21:10.');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('203001', '203002', '0000', '0123', '3', '6 21:00 6 21:05');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('203002', '0000', '0000', '0125', '2011', 'It is time for The World PK tournament. Please hurry, World Pk Envoy in Twin City before 21:10.');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('349980', '349981', '0000', '0123', '3', '6 21:09 6 21:10');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('349981', '0000', '0000', '0125', '2011', 'Now! it`s the time. Sign up is closed. Hurry u to World Pk Envoy to get to the World PK War');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512820', '3512821', '0000', '0101', '0', 'The~World~PK~War~will~take~place~during~21:00-00:00~on~the~1st~day~of~each~month~and~every~Satur day,');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512821', '3512822', '0000', '0101', '0', '~and~you~will~be~admitted~into~the~tournament~dur ing~20:30~');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512822', '3512823', '0000', '0101', '0', 'and~21:10.~Come!~You~will~be~impressed!');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('3512823', '11367', '0000', '0102', '0', 'Bralliant 0');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO cq_npc VALUES(552233, 0, 0, "WorldPkEscort", 0002, 8750, -1, 6666, 0023, 0071, 956541,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, "", 0, 00, 00, 0000, 01, 0000 );
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('956541', '956199', '956543', '0302', '6666', 'alive_user == 1');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956199,956540,956543,0123,3,"6 21:59 6 22:00");
REPLACE INTO cq_action VALUES (956540,956500,0000,0101,0,"Hello!~If~you~are~the~only~one~who~still~alive.~I~ will~give~you~a~nice~reward");
REPLACE INTO cq_action VALUES (956500,610085,0000,0102,0,"Gimme~it~please 956542");
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956543,956544,0000,0101,0,"Sorry,~I~can`t~let~you~get~out~of~here.~You~must~k ill~everyone~here~and~come~at~22:00.");
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956544,956645,0000,0102,0,"Send~me~to~Twin~City 5999990");
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (5999990,5999991,0000,1003,0,"1002 429 378");
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (5999991,0000000,0000,0125,2011,"Whoooooh! %user_name has GAVE UP to continue the World Pk War!!!.");
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956645,610085,0000,0102,0,"I~see 0");
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956542,956576,0000,0101,0,"Congratulations!~You~are~the~winner~of~World~PK~Wa r.~You~will~be~awarded~500k~CPS.");
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES (956576,610085,0000,0102,0,"Thanks~Gimme~it 5008220");
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('76800', '0000', '0000', '0125', '2005', '%user_name~is~the~champion~of~the~World~PK~Tourna ment.');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('60064', '76800', '00000', '1003', '0', '1002 438 377');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('5008222', '60064', '0000', '1010', '2011', 'Congratulations %user_name has won the World PK Tournament and recieved 500000CPS');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('5008221', '5008222', '0000', '1096', '31', '200 0 604800 0 604800 1');
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('5008220', '5008221', '0000', '1098', '1', '29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38');
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956541,956541,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956542,956542,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956543,956543,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956544,956544,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956545,956545,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956999,956999,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956100,956100,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956101,956101,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956102,956102,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (956199,956199,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (60062,60062,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (60063,60063,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (60064,60064,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (60040,60040,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
REPLACE INTO cq_task VALUES (5999990,5999990,0000,"","",0,0,0,0,1000,0000,0000,0,-1,0);
################################################## ################################################## #########################
REPLACE INTO `cq_action` VALUES ('4006561', '0000', '0000', '0125', '2011', 'KEEP Voting for Young Money to be the best sever in the world.');

وادي التحميل للبيحبو يتعبوني

xworld (عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف 2F%3Fcc1s9gwa0r9a1hm)

ارجو التجربه وتقول انها شغاله ولا لا

01-23-2022, 07:03 AM

02-03-2022, 05:38 PM
sadas das dasdjasjdhj ahsjkhk jaskj askjd kasj kjashjkdas d

07-02-2022, 08:40 PM