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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الان تشغيل (Dic city) سورس 5375

06-01-2012, 06:33 AM
حصريا تشغيل(Dic city)

يرات بس قبل اى تعديل نخود دامب للقاعدة علشان لو حصل مشكال بس ان شاء الله مفيش اى مشكال.
هنضيف اول كواد
فـ ملف

كود: dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 4) { dialog.Text("Fortunately UltimatePluto is still unfledged. He must resort to a Battle"); dialog.Text(" Formation for the moments. So i am about to organize an army too infiltrate his"); dialog.Text(" land and destroy his formation before he becomes stronger."); dialog.Link("I'll join you.", 2); dialog.Link("I'd like to know more.", 5); dialog.Link("Sigh, I'm helpless.", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 5) { dialog.Text("You must kill UltimatePluto rapisly to get Darkhorn so that i can use it to"); dialog.Text(" diable the formation. Before you can do that, you must break into HellGate,"); dialog.Text(" enter the HellHall, and fight through the HellCloister. Countless ferocious"); dialog.Text(" demons are watching those strongholds. I'll give you some strategies on"); dialog.Text(" breaking through those fortresses if you like."); dialog.Link("I want to know HellGate", 6); dialog.Link("I want to know HellHall", 7); dialog.Link("I want to know HellCloister", 8); dialog.Link("I want to know BattleFormation", 9); dialog.Link("Thanks. I know what to do.", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 6) //HellGate info { dialog.Text("HellGate is shielded from poisonous fog, so you can't approach it. But"); dialog.Text(" demons do not fear the gas. They may turn into SoulStones after they die. If"); dialog.Text(" you get 5 stones for me, i'll help you break through the gate. To protect"); dialog.Text(" the unrealted persons, i'll send the others back as soon as the first 60"); dialog.Text(" persons pass through the gate."); dialog.Link("Thank you.", 255); dialog.Link("I'd like to know more", 5); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 7) //HellHall info { dialog.Text("HellHall is the very spot where the demons swear their oaths of allegiance to"); dialog.Text(" UltimatePluto. Everybody must do his best to make a way out. Due to limited"); dialog.Text(" time, i can lead only 30 persons to hellCloister!"); dialog.Link("Thanks", 255); dialog.Link("I'd like to know more.", 5); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 8) //Hell Cloister info { dialog.Text("You will be divided into 2 groups to attack from the left and the right flank of"); dialog.Text(" HellCloister. Kill the Wraithas many as you can, because you can't reach"); dialog.Text(" BattleFormation untill the amount of wraith is decreased to a certain level."); dialog.Link("Thank you.", 255); dialog.Link("I'd like to know more.", 5); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 9) //Battle Formation info { dialog.Text("BattleFormation is protected by Syrens. After they are killed out,"); dialog.Text(" UltimatePluto will appear. Make the best effort to kill him, get his Darkhorn"); dialog.Text(" and give it to me. I can disable the BattleFormation with it. Then i'll send you"); dialog.Text(" back. But if you fail to do it, we have to retreat and wait for another opportunity"); dialog.Link("Thanks.", 255); dialog.Link("I'd like to know more.", 5); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 2) { if (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.dis == true) { if (client.Entity.Level >= 110) { client.IncreaseExperience((client.Entity.ExpBallEx p) / 2); { Random Rand = new Random(); int dis = Rand.Next(1, 10); if (dis == 1) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 291, 475); } if (dis == 2) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 335, 345); } if (dis == 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 198, 355); } if (dis == 4) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 246, 326); } if (dis == 5) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 321, 372); } if (dis == 6) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 315, 280); } if (dis == 7) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 281, 302); } if (dis == 8) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 221, 202); } if (dis == 9) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 173, 214); } if (dis == 10) { client.Entity.Teleport(2021, 211, 255); } } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry, you are too weak to fight those monsters, go get level 110 and talk to me later."); dialog.Link("Okay, I will!", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry, but the dis city quest is off!"); dialog.Link("OK, I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } break; } #endregion هنضيف تانى كواد
هنضيف تانى كواد
فـ ملف

كود: #region DisCity Stage 1 case 1110: { if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0) { dialog.Text("Hello! You need 5 SoulStones to finish Stage 1, and I'll teleport you to Stage2."); dialog.Link("here you are", 1); dialog.Link("Sorry, I'll be back", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1) { if (client.Inventory.Contains(723085, 5)) { if (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax1 < 60) { client.Entity.Teleport(2022, 240, 340); client.IncreaseExperience(client.Entity.ExpBallExp ); Conquer_Online_Server.Network.PacketHandler.WorldM essage(client.Entity.Name + " is Number: " + Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax1 + " of Guild (" + client.Entity.Guild + ") has teleported to Dis City Stage 2!", Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message. Center, System.Drawing.Color.Red); Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax1 += 1; client.Entity.DisQuest = true; client.Inventory.Remove(723085, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(723085, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(723085, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(723085, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(723085, 1); if (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax1 == 60) { if (client.Entity.MapID == 2021) { client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 533, 483); dialog.Text("You didn't make it to the next floor in time."); Conquer_Online_Server.Network.PacketHandler.WorldM essage(" All Players of Dis City Stage 1 has teleported to TwinCity!", Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message. Center, System.Drawing.Color.White); } } //Features.discity.Stage3(); } else { dialog.Text(" Sorry, you have missed your chance to enter the next floor of Dis City."); dialog.Link("Darn!", 1); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text(" Sorry, you don't have 5 SoulStones."); dialog.Link("Ok, I'll be back", 1); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } break; } #endregion هنضيف ثالث كواد
فـ ملف

كود: #region DisCity Stage 2 case 4011: { if (npcRequest.OptionID == 0) { dialog.Text("Hello, can you help me? If you kill the required monsters I desire you can win some EXP."); dialog.Link("Sounds good, how many do I kill?", 1); dialog.Link("No thanks.", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } if (npcRequest.OptionID == 3) { if (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax2 < 30) { client.Entity.DisQuest = false; client.Entity.DisKO = 0; Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax2+ +; Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax3+ +; client.Entity.Teleport(2023, 316, 635); client.IncreaseExperience(client.Entity.ExpBallExp ); Conquer_Online_Server.Network.PacketHandler.WorldM essage(client.Entity.Name + " is Number: " + Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax1 + " of Guild (" + client.Entity.Guild + ") has teleported to Dis City Stage 3!", Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message. Center, System.Drawing.Color.Red); if (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Entity.DisCity.DisMax2 == 30) { if (client.Entity.MapID == 2022) { client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 533, 483); dialog.Text("You didn't make it to the next floor in time."); Conquer_Online_Server.Network.PacketHandler.WorldM essage(" All Players of Dis City Stage 2 has teleported to TwinCity!", Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message. Center, System.Drawing.Color.White); } } // Features.discity.Stage3(); } else { dialog.Text(" Sorry, missed your chance to enter the next floor of Dis City. "); dialog.Link("Darn!", 1); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } if (npcRequest.OptionID == 1) { if (client.Entity.Class >= 10 && client.Entity.Class <= 15) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 800) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 800 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No thanks.", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else if (client.Entity.Class >= 20 && client.Entity.Class <= 25) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 900) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 900 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No Thanks", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else if (client.Entity.Class >= 40 && client.Entity.Class <= 45) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1300) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 1300 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No Thanks", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else if (client.Entity.Class >= 132 && client.Entity.Class <= 135) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 600) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 600 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No Thanks", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else if (client.Entity.Class >= 50 && client.Entity.Class <= 55) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 900) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 900 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No Thanks", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } else if (client.Entity.Class >= 142 && client.Entity.Class <= 145) { if (client.Entity.DisKO >= 1000) { dialog.Text("Which Flank are you going to attack from?"); dialog.Link("Right.", 3); dialog.Link("Left.", 3); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } else { dialog.Text("You need to kill 1000 Monsters "); dialog.Link("Alright.", 255); dialog.Link("No Thanks", 255); dialog.Avatar(0); dialog.Send(); } } } break; } #endregion هنقتح ملف


كود: public class DisCity { public static Hashtable RightFlank = new Hashtable(); public static Hashtable LeftFlank = new Hashtable(); public static uint RightKills = 0; public static uint LeftKills = 0; public static bool dis = false; public static bool dis2 = false; public static byte DisMax1 = 0; public static byte DisMax2 = 0; public static byte DisMax3 = 0; } و هنضيف الاكواد دى
فى ملف

Entity.cs Dis City 2
كود: public uint ExpBallExp { get { if (Level < 30) return (uint)(15000 + Level * 430); else if (Level < 50) return (uint)(40000 + Level * 430); else if (Level < 80) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 500); else if (Level < 80) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 600); else if (Level < 100) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 700); else if (Level < 110) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 900); else if (Level < 120) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 1100); else if (Level < 125) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 1500); else if (Level < 130) return (uint)(30000 + Level * 1000); else return (uint)(30000 + Level * 1000); } } و فى الاخر هنضيف الكواد دا
فى ملف

كود: public int DisKO = 0; public bool DisQuest = false