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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Full SuperGuildWar 100 Full Work [TorNaDo TeaM] Exclusively

12-11-2015, 12:07 AM
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
كاملة 100% , طبعا مش محتاجة أن اشرحها ,
أولا الموضوع مش منقول ولا مكرر والـ شايف ان فيه حاجة من دول انا غلطان فيها يا ريت يجيب الـ دليل ,
والـ هيطلع يقول كلمة ملهاش اى لزمة هيزعل جامد ,
الموضوع طويل شوية ركز عشان دى الاضافة من الاول خالص من الزيرو زي ما بيقولوا ,
أنا لاحظت أنها مش كاملا فكل السورسات , بس انا هنزل الاضافة بتاعتها كاملا لأى سورس مش موجودة فيه + أنا هحط الاضافة الـ ناقصة فـسورس زيركس ,
الموضوع دة مقدم من TorNaDo-TeaM == HaMaDa-ShaDow
نبدأ ع بركة الله ,
1- الشرح ,
2- الاضافة ,
3-الصور ,
1-الشرح ,
هيا زي الوار بالظبط ..
بس ليها توبات خاصة وجوائز خاصة ,
أنا عاملها يومين فالاسبوع ومعدل ع الوقت من الساعة 9 لـ 10 ,

2- الاضافة ,
أولا أنت هتعمل كلاس جديد بأسم , SuperGuildWar والـ معمول عنده ميعملش ,
ويمسح كل الـ فيه ويضيف ,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using HarryPotter.Network.GamePackets;
using HarryPotter.Game.ConquerStructures.Society;

namespace HarryPotter.Game
public class SuperGuildWar
public static SobNpcSpawn Pole, RightGate, LeftGate;

public static SobNpcSpawn Poles;

public static SafeDictionary<uint, Guild> Scores = new SafeDictionary<uint, Guild>(100);

public static bool IsWar = false, FirstRound = false;

public static Time32 ScoreSendStamp, LastWin;

public static Guild PoleKeeper, CurrentTopLeader;

private static bool changed = false;

private static string[] scoreMessages;

public static DateTime StartTime;

public static bool Claim
get { return Program.Vars["sgwclaim"]; }
set { Program.Vars["sgwclaim"] = value; }
public static uint KeeperID
get { return Program.Vars["sgwkeeperid"]; }
set { Program.Vars["sgwkeeperid"] = value; }
public static void Initiate()
var Map = Kernel.Maps[10380];
Pole = (SobNpcSpawn)Map.Npcs[8100];
LeftGate = (SobNpcSpawn)Map.Npcs[516174];
RightGate = (SobNpcSpawn)Map.Npcs[516175];
Console.WriteLine("SuperGuildWar Information Loaded");


public static void Start()
if (LeftGate == null) return;
Scores = new SafeDictionary<uint, Guild>(100);
StartTime = DateTime.Now;
LeftGate.Mesh = (ushort)(240 + LeftGate.Mesh % 10);
RightGate.Mesh = (ushort)(270 + LeftGate.Mesh % 10);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Super Guild war has began!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Center), Program.Values);
FirstRound = true;
foreach (Guild guild in Kernel.Guilds.Values)
guild.sWarScore = 0;
Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = LeftGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, LeftGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, LeftGate.Hitpoints);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(upd, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);
upd.UID = RightGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, RightGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, RightGate.Hitpoints);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(upd, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);
Claim = false;
IsWar = true;

public static void Reset()
Scores = new SafeDictionary<uint, Guild>(100);

LeftGate.Mesh = (ushort)(240 + LeftGate.Mesh % 10);
RightGate.Mesh = (ushort)(270 + LeftGate.Mesh % 10);

LeftGate.Hitpoints = LeftGate.MaxHitpoints;
RightGate.Hitpoints = RightGate.MaxHitpoints;
Pole.Hitpoints = Pole.MaxHitpoints;

Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = LeftGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, LeftGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, LeftGate.Hitpoints);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(upd, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);
upd.UID = RightGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, RightGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, RightGate.Hitpoints);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(upd, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);

foreach (Guild guild in Kernel.Guilds.Values)
guild.sWarScore = 0;

IsWar = true;

public static void FinishRound()

LastWin = Time32.Now;

FirstRound = false;
SortScores(out PoleKeeper);
if (PoleKeeper != null)
KeeperID = PoleKeeper.ID;
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("The guild, " + PoleKeeper.Name + ", owned by " + PoleKeeper.LeaderName + " has won this Super guild war round!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Center), Program.Values);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("It is generald pardon time. You have 5 minutes to leave, run for your life!", System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.TopLeft), Program.Values, (ushort)6001);

Pole.Name = PoleKeeper.Name;
Pole.Hitpoints = Pole.MaxHitpoints;
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(Pole, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);

public static void End()
if (PoleKeeper != null)
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("The guild, " + PoleKeeper.Name + ", owned by " + PoleKeeper.LeaderName + " has won this Super guild war!---Guild war has ended!", System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.Center), Program.Values);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Super Guild war has ended and there was no winner!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Center), Program.Values);
IsWar = false;
Claim = true;

public static void AddScore(uint addScore, Guild guild)
if (guild != null)
guild.sWarScore += addScore;
changed = true;
if (!Scores.ContainsKey(guild.ID))
Scores.Add(guild.ID, guild);
if ((int)Pole.Hitpoints <= 0)


public static void SendScores()
if (scoreMessages == null)
scoreMessages = new string[0];
if (Scores.Count == 0)
if (changed)
SortScores(out CurrentTopLeader);

for (int c = 0; c < scoreMessages.Length; c++)
Message msg = new Message(scoreMessages[c], System.Drawing.Color.Red, c == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(msg, Program.Values, (ushort)10380);
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(msg, Program.Values, (ushort)6001);

private static void SortScores(out Guild winner)
winner = null;
List<string> ret = new List<string>();

int Place = 0;
foreach (Guild guild in Scores.Values.OrderByDescending((p) => p.sWarScore))
if (Place == 0)
winner = guild;
string str = "No " + (Place + 1).ToString() + ": " + guild.Name + "(" + guild.sWarScore + ")";
if (Place == 4)

changed = false;
scoreMessages = ret.ToArray();

private static void UpdatePole(SobNpcSpawn pole)
new Database.MySqlCommand(HarryPotter.Database.MySqlCo mmandType.UPDATE)
.Update("sobnpcs").Set("name", pole.Name).Set("life", Pole.Hitpoints).Where("id", pole.UID).Execute();
خش ع Handle.csابحث عن دة
if (attacker.MapID == 10380)..
لو مش موجود ضيف دة ,
if (attacker.MapID == 10380)
if (attacker.GuildID == 0 || !Game.SuperGuildWar.IsWar)
if (attacked.UID == 8100)
return false;
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.PoleKeeper != null)
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.PoleKeeper == attacker.Owner.Guild)
if (attacked.UID == 8100)
return false;
else if (attacked.UID == 516175 || attacked.UID == 516174)
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.PoleKeeper == attacker.Owner.Guild)
if (attacker.PKMode == Enums.PKMode.Team)
return false;
ابحث عن الكود دة ,
Game.GuildWar.AddScore(damage, attacker.Owner.Guild);..
وبعد أخر قوسين فالأكود ,
حط دول ,
if (attacker.MapID == 10380)
if (attacked.UID == 8100)
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.PoleKeeper == attacker.Owner.Guild)
if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage)
attacked.Hitpoints = 0;
Game.SuperGuildWar.AddScore(damage, attacker.Owner.Guild);
} ..
كدة تمام ,
تم اضافة الـكود الناقص

هتخش كلاس Claculations.cs..
ابحث عن دة لو مش لقيته ضيفه من الاول معايا ,
else if (client.Entity.MapID == HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.MapID) ..
else if (client.Entity.MapID == HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.MapID)
if (HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh == (270 + HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh % 10) && oldX >= HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.X && client.Entity.X <= HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.X && client.Entity.Y < HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Y)
client.Entity.X = oldX;
client.Entity.Y = oldY;

if (HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh == (240 + HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh % 10) && oldY >= HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Y && client.Entity.Y <= HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Y && client.Entity.X < HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.X)
client.Entity.X = oldX;
client.Entity.Y = oldY;
خش ع PacketHandler.csابحث عن ,
if (client.Map.BaseID == 1038 && (HarryPotter.Game.GuildWar.IsWar.. وضيف جمبها ,
|| HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.IsWar))بمعنى اصح الكود كله هيبقى كدة ,
if (client.Map.BaseID == 1038 && (HarryPotter.Game.GuildWar.IsWar || HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.IsWar))..
تمام ,
ابحث فـ Entity.csعلى دة
if (Game.GuildWar.RightGate.Mesh / 10 == 27)..
وبعد أخر قوس
ضيف دة
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate == null)
return false;
if (MapID == 10380)
if ((X == 223 || X == 222) && (Y >= 175 && Y <= 185))
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh / 10 == 27)
return true;
return false;
وأنزل تحت شوية هتلاقى الكود دة كمان
if (Game.GuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh / 10 == 24)..
بعد أخر كوس هضيف الاكواد دى بردو ,
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate == null)
return false;
if (MapID == 10380)
if ((Y == 210 || Y == 209) && (X >= 154 && X <= 166))
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh / 10 == 24)
return true;
return false;
افتح Guild.csضيف دة
public uint sWarScore;..
وضيف دة كمان ,
public bool SuperPoleKeeper
return SuperGuildWar.Pole.Name == Name;
وضيف اللود دة Program.cs..
Console.WriteLine("SuperGuildWar By HaMaDa");..
افتح Npc.cs ..
ابحث عن
#region Guild warاقفلها من السالب وضيف دة تحتيها ع طول ,
#region SuperGuild war
case 10380:
switch (client.ActiveNpc)
#region Pole
case 8100:
dialog.Text("Please, don't hurt me!.");
dialog.Option("Sorry.", 255);

#region SuperClaimGuildPrize

case 44821140:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Hello there. Do you want to Claim Super Guild War Prize you can only Claim it 1 Time if you won SGW.");
dialog.Option("Leme Claim Prize.", 1);
dialog.Option("Get Top.", 3);
dialog.Option("Just Passing By!", 255);
case 3:
if (client.Guild != null)
if (client.AsMember.Rank == HarryPotter.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader )
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to exchange for your Prize?");
dialog.Option("Yes.", 4);
dialog.Option("Ah, nevermind.", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry only GuildLeader of the Winner Guild can Claim The Prize After SuperGuildWar End.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry You are not Member in any guild yet");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255);
case 4:
var count = client.Inventory.Objects.Where(x => x.ID == 723467).Count();
switch (count)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Are you sure you have tokens ?");
dialog.Option("Ah, nevermind.", 255);
case 1:
client.Entity.AddTopStatus((ulong)Update.Flags3.Co nuqerSuperUnderBlue, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7));
// client.Inventory.Add(2100055, 0, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += CPanel.GuildWar;
case 2:
client.Entity.AddTopStatus((ulong)Update.Flags3.Co nuqerSuperBlue, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7));
// client.Inventory.Add(2100065, 0, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += CPanel.EliteGw;
if (count >= 3)
client.Entity.AddTopStatus((ulong)Update.Flags3.Co nuqerSuperYellow, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7));
//client.Inventory.Add(2100075, 0, 1);
client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 100000;
client.Inventory.Remove(723467, (byte)Math.Min(count, 3));
case 1:
if (client.Guild != null)
if (client.Guild.SuperPoleKeeper && client.AsMember.Rank == HarryPotter.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader )
dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to Claim your Prize?");
dialog.Option("Yes.", 2);
dialog.Option("Ah, nevermind.", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry only GuildLeader of the Winner Guild can Claim The Prize After GuildWar End.");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255);
dialog.Text("Sorry You are not Member in any guild yet");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255);
case 2:
if (!SuperGuildWar.IsWar && SuperGuildWar.Claim && client.Guild != null && client.Entity.GuildID == SuperGuildWar.KeeperID && client.Entity.GuildRank == (ushort)Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader)
//#warning GUILD WAR PRIZE

SuperGuildWar.Claim = false;
SuperGuildWar.KeeperID = 0;
client.Inventory.Add(723467, 0, 1);
HarryPotter.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulations! " + client.Entity.Name + " Leader of " + client.Guild.PoleKeeper + " The winner guild has Claimed Super Guild War Prize " + rates.GuildWar + " cps and LordToken!", System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.TopLeft), Program.Values);
dialog.Text("Sorry you dont have Any Prize to claim only GL of the winner guild can claim Prize After SGW");
dialog.Option("Ahh.", 255);


#region Gates
case 516174:
if (client.Guild != null)
if (client.Guild.SuperPoleKeeper)
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Select the option you want to pursue.");
if (client.AsMember.Rank != HarryPotter.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member)
dialog.Option("Open gate.", 1);
dialog.Option("Close gate.", 2);
dialog.Option("Get inside.", 3);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
case 1:
HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh = (ushort)(250 + HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh % 10);

Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh);
client.SendScreen(upd, true);
case 2:
Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh = (ushort)(240 + Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh % 10);
Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Hitpoints = Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.MaxHitpoints;
Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.LeftGate.Hitpoints) ;
client.SendScreen(upd, true);
case 3:
client.Entity.Teleport(10380, 162, 198);
case 516175:
if (client.Guild != null)
if (client.Guild.SuperPoleKeeper)
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Select the option you want to pursue.");
if (client.AsMember.Rank != HarryPotter.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member)
dialog.Option("Open gate.", 1);
dialog.Option("Close gate.", 2);
dialog.Option("Get inside.", 3);
dialog.Option("Nothing.", 255);
case 1:
HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh = (ushort)(280 + HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh % 10);

Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh);
client.SendScreen(upd, true);
case 2:
HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh = (ushort)(270 + HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh % 10);
Game.GuildWar.RightGate.Hitpoints = Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.MaxHitpoints;
Update upd = new Update(true);
upd.UID = HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.UID;
upd.Append(Update.Mesh, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Mesh);
upd.Append(Update.Hitpoints, HarryPotter.Game.SuperGuildWar.RightGate.Hitpoints );
client.SendScreen(upd, true);
case 3:
client.Entity.Teleport(10380, 210, 177);

#region Guild Conductresses

#region Exit Guild Arena
case 70000:
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
dialog.Text("Do you want to leave the guild arena?");
dialog.Option("Yes.", 1);
dialog.Option("No.", 255);
case 1:
client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378);


ضيف فـ World.cs..
AutoInvite ,
#region SuperGuildWar
if (Now64.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Friday && Now64.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday)
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 21 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 00 && DateTime.Now.Second <= 00)
{ // By HaMaDa.ShaDow // TorNaDo-TeaM === forum.vpscairo.win

Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new HarryPotter.Network.GamePackets.Message("SuperGuildWar Is Started Now !", Color.Red, 2012));
foreach (var client in Program.Values)
client.MessageBox("SuperGuild War began! Would You Like To Join?",
p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 300, 358); }, null, 60);

if (Game.SuperGuildWar.IsWar)
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("You Have To Be Ready For The SuperGuild War !", Color.White, Message.Center), Program.Values);
if (Time32.Now > Game.SuperGuildWar.ScoreSendStamp.AddSeconds(3))
Game.SuperGuildWar.ScoreSendStamp = Time32.Now;
if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 21 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 50 && DateTime.Now.Second <= 2)
Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message("10 Minutes left till Super GuildWar End Hurry kick other Guild's Ass!.", System.Drawing.Color.White, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), Program.Values);
else if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 22 && DateTime.Now.Minute == 00 && DateTime.Now.Second == 00)
if (Game.SuperGuildWar.IsWar)

كمل معايا أكواد التوبات عشان الـ مش موجودة عنده ,
افتح , Entity.cs..
ابحث عن
case Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.TopPirate: return 22;..
ضيف تحته
case Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperUnde rBlue: return 230;
case Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperBlue : return 240;
case Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperYell ow: return 250;..
ابحث عن ,
case 22: return Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.TopPirate;..
وضيف تحته دول
case 230: return Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperUnde rBlue;
case 240: return Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperBlue ;
case 250: return Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags3.ConuqerSuperYell ow;..
وافتح Update.csوابحث عن
public class Flags3..
ConuqerSuperYellow = (ulong)1UL << 23, //GL flag
ConuqerSuperBlue = (ulong)1UL << 24, //DL flag
ConuqerSuperUnderBlue = (ulong)1UL << 25, // Memeber Flag..
كدة تمام بالتوبات لأن ناس قالت التوبات مش موجودة ,
أكواد النافى كات ,
10380 1038 0 0
8100 HaMaDa.ShaDow 10 1137 10380 84 99 23446500 30000000 0 17 1 0
516174 ii 26 251 10380 163 210 10000000 10000000 24 21 0 0
516175 ii 26 277 10380 223 177 10000000 10000000 27 21 0 0
44821140 Super Guild War 2 8160 10380 44 60..
SuperGuildWar Done 100% Full Work
By HaMaDa-ShaDow

3- الصور ,
1- ,
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
2- ,
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
3- ,
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
4- ,
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف
صور كفاية عشان محدش يطلع يقول مش شغالة ,
الـ هيطلعله ايرور من اسم البوجيكت ,
تم بحمد الله ,
ممنوع النقل حتى لو بذكر المصدر أنا لو عايز احطه فـأى حته تانية هحطه أنا مش اكتع :V عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف

TorNaDo-TeaM = HaMaDa.ShaDow
تحياتى للجميع وبالاخص ,
Ahmed Lover - Mr.Gozef - HarryPotter - EslaM SolOoOM - Mr.Monk - Mr.KeKa
ولـ فريق القراصنة / Pirates-TeaM جميعا ,
أن شاء الله اليوم هنزل شغل كتير ,

Arnaldo prieto
05-10-2020, 07:16 AM
موضوع رائع بارك الله فيك وعائلتك

05-30-2021, 02:05 AM
تسلم ايدك يا برنس

محمود ماهر
03-02-2022, 12:51 PM
وربناااا عااااش

05-25-2022, 12:37 PM
مقال مميز للغاية مشكور