تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Transfer System in forum.vpscairo.win المفرود الموضوع يتثبت =D

12-11-2015, 12:58 AM
نظـام النقـل بيـن السيـرفرات !

هنخـش ع الاضـأفـات علشـان مبحـبش اكلـم كتيـر

هنعمـل NewFolder سميـة اي حـاجا

واعمـل فيـة كـلآس اسـمو
Transfer.csوحـط جـواه دول

Created By MrMazika
using Conquer_Online_Server.Database;
using Conquer_Online_Server.Client;
namespace Conquer_Online_Server
public unsafe class Transfer
public static uint IsOnline, cantrans, ScorpenProject, ScorpenProject1;
public static bool DTrans = false;
public static void ScorpenWork(string server, GameClient client)

using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("accounts").Where("EntityID", client.Entity.UID))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
cantrans = reader.ReadUInt32("CanTrans");
if (cantrans >= 3)
client.MessageBox("Oooh o.o ! you already transfered (3) times so you can`t transfer more for times.", null, null, 0);
else if (Constants.ServerName == server)
client.MessageBox("Ooops O.o ! you already in Server " + server + ".", null, null, 0);
client.MessageBox("Are you sure you want to transfer to " + server + " Server you have [" + (3 - cantrans) + "] times to transfer",
(p) =>
if (!client.WarehouseOpen && client.WarehousePW != 0)
client.MessageBox(" Make sure you have entered a correct secondary password in the warehouse!", null, null, 0);
if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints > 2999)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("servers").Where("Name", server))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
IsOnline = reader.ReadUInt32("Online");
if (IsOnline == 1)
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("accounts").Set("server", server)
.Where("EntityID", client.Entity.UID).Execute();
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("accounts").Set("CanTrans", cantrans)
.Where("EntityID", client.Entity.UID).Execute();
client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 2999;
client.MessageBox("transfer to server " + server + " [Successfully].", null, null, 0);
DTrans = true;
client.MessageBox("transfer to server " + server + " [Falid].", null, null, 0);
client.MessageBox("You don't have 2999 CPs.", null, null, 0);
public static void StatusServers()
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("servers").Where("Name", "ScorpenProject"))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
ScorpenProject = reader.ReadUInt32("Online");
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("servers").Where("Name", "ScorpenProject1"))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
ScorpenProject1 = reader.ReadUInt32("Online");
}واعمـل كـلآس تـاني بـاسم

TransferCipher.csوحـط دول جواة .

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيفوبعدين افتح

Npc.csوحط فيـة الانبسي دا

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيفوبـعديـن افتـح

PacketHandle.csوبحـث عـن
if (ID == 1009)وقفـلو من السـالب وحـط الكـود دا

#region Transfer
case 2900:
switch (packet[4])
case 0:
uint[] array = new uint[] { 37, 43 };
byte[] Buffer = new byte[6 + 8 + 5 * array.Length];
Writer.Ushort((ushort)(Buffer.Length - 8), 0, Buffer);
Writer.Ushort(2901, 2, Buffer);
Buffer[5] = (byte)array.Length;
int offset = 6;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
Writer.Uint(array[i], offset, Buffer); offset += 4;
Buffer[offset] = 1; offset += 1;
case 2902:
byte serverid = packet[5];
static void AppendConnect(Connect appendConnect, Client.GameClient client)
if (CrossServer.CrossPool.ContainsKey(appendConnect.I dentifier))
TransferCipher.Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("6D1B73DA0250473496C2845F91FA2A42");
TransferCipher.Salt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DDA177642131459FBFBD17D9003678A8");
TransferCipher transferCipher = new TransferCipher("");
uint[] decrypted = transferCipher.Decrypt(new uint[] { appendConnect.Identifier, appendConnect.Identifier });

lock (LoginSyncRoot)
CrossServer.AppendConnect(appendConnect, client);
if (client.LoggedIn)
bool doLogin = false;
lock (LoginSyncRoot)
Database.AccountTable Account = null;
if (Kernel.AwaitingPool.TryGetValue(appendConnect.Ide ntifier, out Account))
if (!Account.MatchKey(appendConnect.Identifier))

client.Account = Account;

if (Account.EntityID == 0)
client.Socket.OverrideTiming = true;
client.Send(new Message("NEW_ROLE", "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
if (Kernel.DisconnectPool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityI D))
client.Send(new Message("Please try again after a minute!", "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
VariableVault variables;
Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(client.Account.E ntityID, out variables);
client.Variables = variables;

if (client["banhours"] == 0)
client["banhours"] = -1;
client["banreason"] = "Infinite time.";
client["banstamp"] = DateTime.Now.AddYears(100);
if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned)
if (client["banhours"] != -1)
DateTime banStamp = client["banstamp"];
if (DateTime.Now > banStamp.AddDays(((int)client["banhours"]) / 24).AddHours(((int)client["banhours"]) % 24))
Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Player;
string Message = "";
if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned)
DateTime banStamp = client["banstamp"];
banStamp = banStamp.AddHours(client["banhours"]);
Message = "You are banned for " + client["banhours"] + " hours [until " + banStamp.ToString("HH:mm MM/dd/yyyy") + "]. Reason: " + client["banreason"];
else if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.NotActivated)
Message = "You cannot login until your account is activated.";
Kernel.AwaitingPool.Remove(appendConnect.Identifie r);
if (Message == string.Empty) // ANSWER_OK
Client.GameClient aClient = null;
if (Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(Account.EntityID, out aClient))
client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
Kernel.GamePool.Add(Account.EntityID, client);
doLogin = true;
client.Send(new Message(Message, "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
World.Execute<GameClient>((pClient, time) => { pClient.Disconnect(); }, client, 100);
if (doLogin)
} #endregion وبحـث عـن

static void AppendConnect(Connect appendConnect وبدلـو بدا

static void AppendConnect(Connect appendConnect, Client.GameClient client)
if (CrossServer.CrossPool.ContainsKey(appendConnect.I dentifier))
TransferCipher.Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("6D1B73DA0250473496C2845F91FA2A42");
TransferCipher.Salt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DDA177642131459FBFBD17D9003678A8");
TransferCipher transferCipher = new TransferCipher("");
uint[] decrypted = transferCipher.Decrypt(new uint[] { appendConnect.Identifier, appendConnect.Identifier });

lock (LoginSyncRoot)
CrossServer.AppendConnect(appendConnect, client);
if (client.LoggedIn)
bool doLogin = false;
lock (LoginSyncRoot)
Database.AccountTable Account = null;
if (Kernel.AwaitingPool.TryGetValue(appendConnect.Ide ntifier, out Account))
if (!Account.MatchKey(appendConnect.Identifier))

client.Account = Account;

if (Account.EntityID == 0)
client.Socket.OverrideTiming = true;
client.Send(new Message("NEW_ROLE", "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
if (Kernel.DisconnectPool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityI D))
client.Send(new Message("Please try again after a minute!", "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
VariableVault variables;
Database.EntityVariableTable.Load(client.Account.E ntityID, out variables);
client.Variables = variables;

if (client["banhours"] == 0)
client["banhours"] = -1;
client["banreason"] = "Infinite time.";
client["banstamp"] = DateTime.Now.AddYears(100);
if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned)
if (client["banhours"] != -1)
DateTime banStamp = client["banstamp"];
if (DateTime.Now > banStamp.AddDays(((int)client["banhours"]) / 24).AddHours(((int)client["banhours"]) % 24))
Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Player;
string Message = "";
if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned)
DateTime banStamp = client["banstamp"];
banStamp = banStamp.AddHours(client["banhours"]);
Message = "You are banned for " + client["banhours"] + " hours [until " + banStamp.ToString("HH:mm MM/dd/yyyy") + "]. Reason: " + client["banreason"];
else if (Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.NotActivated)
Message = "You cannot login until your account is activated.";
Kernel.AwaitingPool.Remove(appendConnect.Identifie r);
if (Message == string.Empty) // ANSWER_OK
Client.GameClient aClient = null;
if (Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(Account.EntityID, out aClient))
client.Entity = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, false);
Kernel.GamePool.Add(Account.EntityID, client);
doLogin = true;
client.Send(new Message(Message, "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.Dialog));
World.Execute<GameClient>((pClient, time) => { pClient.Disconnect(); }, client, 100);
if (doLogin)
}واعمـل كـلآس جـديـد بـأسم
RivestCipher5 وحـط جـواة دول

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Network
public unsafe static class NativeFunctionCalls
public const string MSVCRT = "msvcrt.dll";
public const string KERNEL32 = "kernel32.dll";
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern unsafe void* malloc(int size);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern unsafe void* calloc(int size);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern unsafe void free(void* memblock);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memset(void* dst, byte fill, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern int memcmp(void* buf1, void* buf2, int count);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(void* dst, void* src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(void* dst, string src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(byte[] dst, void* src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(void* dst, byte[] src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(byte[] dst, byte[] src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(uint[] dst, uint[] src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void* memcpy(byte[] dst, string src, int length);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern unsafe void* realloc(void* ptr, int size);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern void srand(int seed);
[DllImport(MSVCRT, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static extern short rand();
public unsafe static class SeedGenerator
public static byte[] Generate(int seed)
byte[] initializationVector = new byte[0x10];
for (int index = 0; index < 0x10; index++)
seed *= 0x343fd;
seed += 0x269ec3;
initializationVector[index] = (byte)((seed >> 0x10) & 0x7fff);
return initializationVector;
public unsafe sealed class RivestCipher5
private const int KEY_SIZE = 4;
private const int SEED_SIZE = 16;
private const int SUBSTITUTION_SIZE = 26;
private const int BITS_SHIFTED = 32;
private static byte[] _initializationVector = { 0x3C, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0xE8, 0xC4, 0x54, 0xD6, 0x7E, 0x16, 0xA6, 0xF8, 0x1A, 0xE8, 0xD0, 0x38, 0xBE };
private uint[] _keyBuffer;
private uint[] _substitutionBuffer;
public RivestCipher5()
public RivestCipher5(int seed)
public void GenerateKeys(byte[] initializationVector)
_keyBuffer = new uint[KEY_SIZE];
_substitutionBuffer = new uint[SUBSTITUTION_SIZE];
fixed (uint* keyBufferPtr = _keyBuffer)
NativeFunctionCalls.memcpy((byte*)keyBufferPtr, initializationVector, KEY_SIZE * sizeof(uint));

_substitutionBuffer[0] = 0xB7E15163;
for (int index = 1; index < SUBSTITUTION_SIZE; index++)
_substitutionBuffer[index] = _substitutionBuffer[index - 1] + 0x9E3779B9;

uint substitutionIndex = 0, keyIndex = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
for (int loopControlIndex = 0; loopControlIndex < 3 * SUBSTITUTION_SIZE; loopControlIndex++)
_substitutionBuffer[substitutionIndex] = RotateLeft(_substitutionBuffer[substitutionIndex] + x + y, 3);
x = _substitutionBuffer[substitutionIndex];
substitutionIndex = (substitutionIndex + 1) % SUBSTITUTION_SIZE;
_keyBuffer[keyIndex] = RotateLeft(_keyBuffer[keyIndex] + x + y, (int)(x + y));
y = _keyBuffer[keyIndex];
keyIndex = (keyIndex + 1) % KEY_SIZE;
public bool Decrypt(byte[] input)
if (input.Length % 8 != 0) return false;
uint* buffer = null;
fixed (byte* ptr = input)
buffer = (uint*)ptr;
int rounds = input.Length / 8;
for (int index = 0; index < rounds; index++)
uint left = buffer[2 * index];
uint right = buffer[(2 * index) + 1];
for (int subIndex = 12; subIndex > 0; subIndex--)
right = RotateRight(right - _substitutionBuffer[(2 * subIndex) + 1], (int)left) ^ left;
left = RotateRight(left - _substitutionBuffer[2 * subIndex], (int)right) ^ right;
uint resultLeft = left - _substitutionBuffer[0];
uint resultRight = right - _substitutionBuffer[1];
buffer[2 * index] = resultLeft;
buffer[(2 * index) + 1] = resultRight;
return true;
public bool Encrypt(byte[] input)
if (input.Length % 8 != 0) return false;
uint* buffer = null;
fixed (byte* ptr = input)
buffer = (uint*)ptr;
int rounds = input.Length / 8;
for (int index = 0; index < rounds; index++)
uint left = buffer[2 * index] + _substitutionBuffer[0];
uint right = buffer[(2 * index) + 1] + _substitutionBuffer[1];
for (int subIndex = 1; subIndex <= 12; subIndex++)
left = RotateLeft(left ^ right, (int)right) + _substitutionBuffer[2 * subIndex];
right = RotateLeft(right ^ left, (int)left) + _substitutionBuffer[(2 * subIndex) + 1];
buffer[2 * index] = left;
buffer[(2 * index) + 1] = right;
return true;
public uint RotateLeft(uint value, int count)
count %= BITS_SHIFTED;
uint high = value >> (BITS_SHIFTED - count);
return (value << count) | high;
public uint RotateRight(uint value, int count)
count %= BITS_SHIFTED;
uint low = value << (BITS_SHIFTED - count);
return (value >> count) | low;
} وفتـح
Program.cs وبحـث عـن
AuthPort = IniFile.ReadUInt16("configuration", "AuthPort")حـط دول تحتـو

TransferCipher.Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("6D1B73DA0250473496C2845F91FA2A42");
TransferCipher.Salt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DDA177642131459FBFBD17D9003678A8"); ورفع الملف دا علي القاعدة
عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيفواعمـل DeisgnTable علـي ملف accounts علي النـافي كـات وضيـف السطـرين دول

Server char 255 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 utf8 utf8_general_ci 0 0
CanTrans bigint 18 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 افتـح

Program.csوبحث عـن
void AuthServer_OnClientReceive وبدل الاكواد بالكـود دا

private static void AuthServer_OnClientReceive(byte[] buffer, int length, ClientWrapper arg3)
var player = arg3.Connector as Client.AuthClient;
player.Cryptographer.Decrypt(buffer, length);
player.Queue.Enqueue(buffer, length);
while (player.Queue.CanDequeue())
byte[] packet = player.Queue.Dequeue();
ushort len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0);
ushort id = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 2);
if (len == 312)
player.Info = new Authentication();
player.Account = new AccountTable(player.Info.Username);
Database.ServerInfo Server = null;
Forward Fw = new Forward();
if (Database.Server.Servers.TryGetValue(player.Info.S erver, out Server))
if (!player.Account.exists)
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.WrongAccount;
if (player.Account.Password == player.Info.Password && player.Account.exists)
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Ready;
if (player.Account.EntityID == 0)
using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT))
cmd.Select("configuration").Where("Server", Constants.ServerName);
using (MySqlReader r = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (r.Read())
EntityUID = new Counter(r.ReadUInt32("EntityID"));
player.Account.EntityID = EntityUID.Next;
using (MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE).Update("configuration")
.Set("EntityID", player.Account.EntityID)
.Where("Server", "COServer")) cmd2.Execute();
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidInfo;
if (IPBan.IsBanned(arg3.IP))
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.Banned;
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("accounts").Where("Username", player.Account.Username))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
player.Account.ServerFRW = reader.ReadString("Server");
if (player.Account.ServerFRW == "")
player.Account.ServerFRW = player.Info.Server;
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("accounts").Set("Server", player.Account.ServerFRW)
.Where("Username", player.Account.Username).Execute();
lock (SyncLogin)
if (Fw.Type == Forward.ForwardType.Ready)
if (player.Info.Server != player.Account.ServerFRW)
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.WrongAccount;
uint UID = player.Account.EntityID;
int time = Time32.Now.GetHashCode();
Fw.Identifier = player.Account.GenerateKey();
Kernel.AwaitingPool[Fw.Identifier] = player.Account;
int oldValue;
if (!LoginProtection.TryGetValue(UID, out oldValue))
LoginProtection[UID] = time;
TransferCipher transferCipher = new TransferCipher("6D1B73DA0250473496C2845F91FA2A42", "DDA177642131459FBFBD17D9003678A8", "");
uint[] encrypted = transferCipher.Encrypt(new uint[] { player.Account.EntityID, (uint)player.Account.State });
Fw.Identifier = encrypted[0];
Fw.Identifier = (uint)encrypted[1];
Fw.IP = Server.IP;
Fw.Port = Server.Port;
//Console.WriteLine("{0} has been successfully transferred to server {1}! IP:[{2}].",
//player.Info.Username, player.Info.Server, player.IP);
if (time - oldValue < TimeLimit)
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.InvalidAuthenticationProtocol;
TransferCipher transferCipher = new TransferCipher("6D1B73DA0250473496C2845F91FA2A42", "DDA177642131459FBFBD17D9003678A8", "");
uint[] encrypted = transferCipher.Encrypt(new uint[] { player.Account.EntityID, (uint)player.Account.State });
Fw.Identifier = encrypted[0];
Fw.Identifier = (uint)encrypted[1];
Fw.IP = Server.IP;
Fw.Port = Server.Port;
Fw.Identifier = player.Account.EntityID;
Kernel.TransferPool.Remove(player.Account.EntityID );
//Console.WriteLine("{0} has been successfully transferred to server {1}! IP:[{2}].",
//player.Info.Username, player.Info.Server, player.IP);
Fw.Type = Forward.ForwardType.ServersNotConfigured;
}اعمـل كلاس اسمـو
Server.csوحط جواة دول

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//Created By MrMazika
namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Database
public unsafe class ServerInfo
public string Name;
public string IP;
public ushort Port;
public string TransferKey;
public string TransferSalt;
public unsafe class Server
public static Dictionary<string, ServerInfo> Servers = new Dictionary<string, ServerInfo>();
public static void Load()
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("Servers"))
using (var reader = cmd.CreateReader())
while (reader.Read())
ServerInfo serverinfo = new ServerInfo();
serverinfo.Name = reader.ReadString("Name");
serverinfo.IP = reader.ReadString("IP");
serverinfo.Port = reader.ReadUInt16("Port");
serverinfo.TransferKey = reader.ReadString("TransferKey");
serverinfo.TransferSalt = reader.ReadString("TransferSalt");
Servers.Add(serverinfo.Name, serverinfo);
string format = "{0} [{1}:{2}]";
Console.WriteLine(string.Format(format, serverinfo.Name, serverinfo.IP, serverinfo.Port));
} سـلآموز عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف