تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حـل مشـكلة الاسـتف بيختـفي او بيتلغبط علي بعضـو

12-11-2015, 01:03 AM
المشـكلة دي ظهرت اليومـين دول كتير عـند بعـض النـاس !

مـش هـرغي كتيـر

افتـح كلآس

وبدلو بالاكواد دي

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Database
public class ConquerItemTable
#region Blob
#region Main

public Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem ReadItem(System.IO.BinaryReader reader)
Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem item = new ConquerItem(true);
item.ID = reader.ReadUInt32();//4
item.UID = reader.ReadUInt32();//8
item.Durability = reader.ReadUInt16();//10
item.MaximDurability = reader.ReadUInt16();//12
item.Position = reader.ReadUInt16();//14
item.SocketProgress = reader.ReadUInt32();//18
item.PlusProgress = reader.ReadUInt32();//22
item.SocketOne = (Game.Enums.Gem)reader.ReadUInt16();//24
item.SocketTwo = (Game.Enums.Gem)reader.ReadUInt16();//26
item.Effect = (Game.Enums.ItemEffect)reader.ReadUInt16();//28
item.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default;
item.Plus = reader.ReadByte();//29
item.Bless = reader.ReadByte();//30
item.Bound = reader.ReadBoolean();//31
item.Enchant = reader.ReadByte();//32
item.Lock = reader.ReadByte();//33

item.UnlockEnd = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64());//41
item.Suspicious = reader.ReadBoolean();//42
item.SuspiciousStart = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64());//50

item.Color = (Game.Enums.Color)reader.ReadUInt32();//54
if ((byte)item.Color > 9 || (byte)item.Color < 2)
item.Color = (Game.Enums.Color)Kernel.Random.Next(2, 8);
item.Warehouse = reader.ReadUInt16();//56
item.StackSize = reader.ReadUInt16();//58

if (item.Lock == 2)
if (DateTime.Now >= item.UnlockEnd)
item.Lock = 0;

return item;


#region other

public void WriteItem(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem item)
writer.Write(item.ID); //= reader.ReadUInt32();
// writer.Write((uint)(item.NextGreen | (item.NextBlue << 8) | (item.NextRed << 16)));
public static byte[] GetItemsAraay(Client.GameData client)
uint count = (uint)(client.Inventory.Count + client.Equipment.Count);
System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
System.IO.BinaryWriter writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(stream);
foreach (var item in client.Inventory.Objects)
new ConquerItemTable().WriteItem(writer, item);
foreach (var item in client.Equipment.GetCollection())
new ConquerItemTable().WriteItem(writer, item);
return stream.ToArray();

public static void LoadItems(Client.GameData client)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("items").Where("EntityID", client.Entity.UID))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
while (reader.Read())
var item = deserialzeItem(reader);
if (!ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Contains Key(item.ID))
HandleInscribing(item, client);
#region WareHouse
if (item.Warehouse == 0)
switch (item.Position)
case 0: client.Inventory.Add(item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.None); break;
if (item.Position > 29) continue;
if (client.Equipment.Free((byte)item.Position))
client.Equipment.Add(item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.None);
if (client.Inventory.Count < 40)
item.Position = 0;
client.Inventory.Add(item, Game.Enums.ItemUse.None);
if (client.Warehouses[Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Wareh ouse.WarehouseID.Market].Count < 20)
client.Warehouses[Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Wareh ouse.WarehouseID.Market].Add(item);
if (item != null)
Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Wareh ouse.WarehouseID whID = (Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse.WarehouseID)item .Warehouse;
if (client.Warehouses.ContainsKey(whID))
using (var cmdx = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("items").Where("Uid", (uint)item.Warehouse))
using (var readerx = new MySqlReader(cmdx))
if (readerx.Read())
client.Warehouses.Add((Conquer_Online_Server.Game. ConquerStructures.Warehouse.WarehouseID)(uint)item .Warehouse, new Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Wareh ouse(client, (Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Ware house.WarehouseID)(uint)item.Warehouse));
client.Warehouses[(Conquer_Online_Server.Game.ConquerStructures.Ware house.WarehouseID)(uint)whID].Add(item);
#endregion WareHouse
if (item.ID == 720828)
string str = reader.ReadString("agate");
uint key = 0;
string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { '#' });
foreach (string str2 in strArray)
if (str2.Length > 6)
item.Agate_map.Add(key, str2);

public static ConquerItem deserialzeItem(MySqlReader reader)
ConquerItem item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true);
item.ID = reader.ReadUInt32("Id");
item.UID = reader.ReadUInt32("Uid");
item.Durability = reader.ReadUInt16("Durability");
item.MaximDurability = reader.ReadUInt16("MaximDurability");
item.Position = reader.ReadUInt16("Position");
item.Agate = reader.ReadString("Agate");
item.SocketProgress = reader.ReadUInt32("SocketProgress");
item.PlusProgress = reader.ReadUInt32("PlusProgress");
item.SocketOne = (Game.Enums.Gem)reader.ReadUInt16("SocketOne");
item.SocketTwo = (Game.Enums.Gem)reader.ReadUInt16("SocketTwo");
item.Effect = (Game.Enums.ItemEffect)reader.ReadUInt16("Effect");
item.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default;
item.Plus = reader.ReadByte("Plus");
item.Bless = reader.ReadByte("Bless");
item.Bound = reader.ReadBoolean("Bound");
item.Enchant = reader.ReadByte("Enchant");
item.Lock = reader.ReadByte("Locked");
item.UnlockEnd = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64("UnlockEnd"));
item.Suspicious = reader.ReadBoolean("Suspicious");
item.SuspiciousStart = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64("SuspiciousStart"));
item.Color = (Game.Enums.Color)reader.ReadUInt32("Color");
item.Warehouse = reader.ReadUInt32("Warehouse");
item.StackSize = reader.ReadUInt16("StackSize");
item.RefineItem = reader.ReadUInt32("RefineryItem");
Int64 rTime = reader.ReadInt64("RefineryTime");

if (item.ID == 300000)
uint NextSteedColor = reader.ReadUInt32("NextSteedColor");
item.NextGreen = (byte)(NextSteedColor & 0xFF);
item.NextBlue = (byte)((NextSteedColor >> 8) & 0xFF);
item.NextRed = (byte)((NextSteedColor >> 16) & 0xFF);
if (item.RefineItem > 0 && rTime != 0)
item.RefineryTime = DateTime.FromBinary(rTime);
if (DateTime.Now > item.RefineryTime)
item.RefineryTime = new DateTime(0);
item.RefineItem = 0;
if (item.Lock == 2)
if (DateTime.Now >= item.UnlockEnd)
item.Lock = 0;

item.DayStamp = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64("DayStamp"));
item.Days = reader.ReadByte("Days");
return item;

public static void UpdateDurabilityItem2(ConquerItem Item, uint ItemID)
if (Item != null)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("Durability", (long)Item.Durability).Where("UID", (long)Item.UID).And("ID", (long)ItemID).Execute();

public static void SetDurabilityItem0(ConquerItem Item)
using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection connection = DataHolder.MySqlConnection)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("Durability", (long)0L).Where("UID", (long)Item.UID).Execute(connection);

public static void HandleInscribing(ConquerItem item, Client.GameData client, bool detained = false)
if (client.Entity.GuildID != 0)
if (client.Guild != null)
int itemPosition = Network.PacketHandler.ArsenalPosition(item.ID);
if (itemPosition != -1)
var arsenal = client.Guild.Arsenals[itemPosition];
if (arsenal.Unlocked)
if (arsenal.ItemDictionary.ContainsKey(item.UID))
var arsenalItem = arsenal.ItemDictionary[item.UID];
arsenalItem.Update(item, client);
item.Inscribed = true;
client.ArsenalDonations[itemPosition] += arsenalItem.DonationWorth;
public static ConquerItem LoadItem(uint UID)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("items").Where("UID", UID))
using (var reader = new MySqlReader(cmd))
if (reader.Read())
return deserialzeItem(reader);
return new ConquerItem(true);

public static void AddItem(ref ConquerItem Item, Client.GameData client)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.INSERT).Insert("items"))
cmd.Insert("ID", Item.ID).Insert("UID", Item.UID)
.Insert("Plus", Item.Plus).Insert("Bless", Item.Bless)
.Insert("Enchant", Item.Enchant).Insert("SocketOne", (byte)Item.SocketOne)
.Insert("SocketTwo", (byte)Item.SocketTwo).Insert("Durability", Item.Durability)
.Insert("MaximDurability", Item.MaximDurability).Insert("SocketProgress", Item.SocketProgress)
.Insert("PlusProgress", Item.PlusProgress).Insert("Effect", (ushort)Item.Effect)
.Insert("Bound", Item.Bound).Insert("DayStamp", Item.DayStamp.ToString()).Insert("Days", Item.Days).Insert("Locked", Item.Lock).Insert("UnlockEnd", Item.UnlockEnd.Ticks)
.Insert("Suspicious", Item.Suspicious).Insert("SuspiciousStart", Item.SuspiciousStart.Ticks)
.Insert("Color", (ushort)Item.Color).Insert("Position", Item.Position).Insert("StackSize", Item.StackSize)
.Insert("RefineryItem", Item.RefineItem).Insert("RefineryTime", Item.RefineryTime.Ticks).Insert("EntityID", client.Entity.UID)
catch (Exception e)
AddItem(ref Item, client);
private static void UpdateData(ConquerItem Item, string column, object value)
UpdateData(Item.UID, column, value);
private static void UpdateData(uint UID, string column, object value)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set(column, value.ToString())
.Where("UID", UID).Execute();
public static void UpdateBless(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Bless", Item.Bless);
public static void UpdateRefineryItem(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "RefineryItem", Item.RefineItem);
public static void UpdateRefineryTime(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "RefineryTime", Item.RefineryTime.Ticks);
public static void UpdateItemAgate(ConquerItem Item)
string agate = "";
if (Item.ID == 720828)
foreach (string coord in Item.Agate_map.Values)
agate += coord + "#";
UpdateData(Item, "agate", agate);
public static void UpdateColor(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Color", (uint)Item.Color);
public static void UpdateStack(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "StackSize", Item.StackSize);
public static void UpdateEnchant(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Enchant", Item.Enchant);
public static void UpdateLock(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Locked", Item.Lock);
UpdateData(Item, "UnlockEnd", Item.UnlockEnd.ToBinary());
public static void UpdateSockets(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "SocketOne", (byte)Item.SocketOne);
UpdateData(Item, "SocketTwo", (byte)Item.SocketTwo);
public static void UpdateSocketProgress(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "SocketProgress", Item.SocketProgress);
public static void UpdateNextSteedColor(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "NextSteedColor", Item.NextGreen | (Item.NextBlue << 8) | (Item.NextRed << 16));
public static void UpdateDurabilityItem(ConquerItem Item)
public static void UpdateLocation(ConquerItem Item, Client.GameData client)
if (IsThere(Item.UID))
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("EntityID", client.Entity.UID)
.Set("Position", Item.Position).Set("Warehouse", (uint)Item.Warehouse)
.Where("UID", Item.UID).Execute();
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.INSERT).Insert("items"))
cmd.Insert("ID", Item.ID).Insert("UID", Item.UID)
.Insert("Plus", Item.Plus).Insert("Bless", Item.Bless)
.Insert("Enchant", Item.Enchant).Insert("SocketOne", (byte)Item.SocketOne)
.Insert("SocketTwo", (byte)Item.SocketTwo).Insert("Durability", Item.Durability)
.Insert("MaximDurability", Item.MaximDurability).Insert("SocketProgress", Item.SocketProgress)
.Insert("PlusProgress", Item.PlusProgress).Insert("Effect", (ushort)Item.Effect)
.Insert("Bound", Item.Bound).Insert("DayStamp", Item.DayStamp.ToString()).Insert("Days", Item.Days).Insert("Locked", Item.Lock).Insert("UnlockEnd", Item.UnlockEnd.Ticks)
.Insert("Suspicious", Item.Suspicious).Insert("SuspiciousStart", Item.SuspiciousStart.Ticks)
.Insert("Color", (ushort)Item.Color).Insert("Position", Item.Position).Insert("StackSize", Item.StackSize)
.Insert("RefineryItem", Item.RefineItem).Insert("RefineryTime", Item.RefineryTime.Ticks).Insert("EntityID", client.Entity.UID)
public static void UpdatePosition(ConquerItem Item)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("Position", Item.Position).Set("Warehouse", Item.Warehouse)
.Where("UID", Item.UID).Execute();

public static void UpdatePlus(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Plus", Item.Plus);
public static void UpdateBound(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "Bound", 0);
public static void UpdatePlusProgress(ConquerItem Item)
UpdateData(Item, "PlusProgress", Item.PlusProgress);
public static void UpdateItemID(ConquerItem Item, Client.GameData client)
UpdateData(Item, "ID", Item.ID);
public static void RemoveItem(uint UID)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("EntityID", 0)
.Set("Position", 0).Where("UID", UID).Execute();
public static void DeleteItem(uint UID)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.DELETE))
cmd.Delete("items", "UID", UID).Execute();
public static void ClearPosition(uint EntityID, byte position)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE))
cmd.Update("items").Set("EntityID", 0).Set("Position", 0)
.Where("EntityID", EntityID).And("Position", position).Execute();
public static void RefineryUpdate(ConquerItem Item, Client.GameData client)

public static void ClearNulledItems()
Dictionary<uint, int> dict = new Dictionary<uint, int>();
using (var c = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("detaineditems"))
using (var r = c.CreateReader())
while (r.Read())
dict[r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")] = 0;
//cmd.Where("UID", r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID"));

using (var c = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("claimitems"))
using (var r = c.CreateReader())
while (r.Read())
dict[r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID")] = 0;
//cmd.Where("UID", r.ReadUInt32("ItemUID"));
var array = dict.Keys.ToArray();
foreach (var item in array)
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE).Update("items")
.Set("entityid", 1).Where("entityid", 0).And("uid", item))

using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.DELETE).Delete("items", "entityid", 0))
Console.WriteLine("Cleared items with EntityID = 0");

public static bool IsThere(uint uid)
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.SELECT);
command.Select("items").Where("UID", (long)uid);
MySqlReader reader = new MySqlReader(command);
if (reader.Read())
// Reader.Close();
//// Reader.Dispose();
return true;
// Reader.Close();
//// Reader.Dispose();
return false;

public static void Update_Free(ConquerItem Item, Client.GameData client)
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(MySqlCommandType.UPDATE);
command.Update("items").Set("EntityID", client.Entity.UID).Set("DayStamp", Item.DayStamp.Ticks).Set("Days", Item.Days).Where("UID", Item.UID).Execute();
} وفتـح كلآس

ConquerItemبدلو بالاكواد دي

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using Conquer_Online_Server.Game;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets
public class ConquerItem : Writer, Interfaces.IPacket
public const ushort
Inventory = 0,
Head = 1,
Necklace = 2,
Armor = 3,
RightWeapon = 4,
LeftWeapon = 5,
Ring = 6,
Bottle = 7,
Boots = 8,
Garment = 9,
Fan = 10,
Tower = 11,
Steed = 12,
SteedCrop = 18,
RightWeaponAccessory = 15,
LeftWeaponAccessory = 16,
SteedArmor = 17,
Remove = 255,
Wing = 19,
AlternateHead = 21,
AlternateNecklace = 22,
AlternateArmor = 23,
AlternateRightWeapon = 24,
AlternateLeftWeapon = 25,
AlternateRing = 26,
AlternateBottle = 27,
AlternateBoots = 28,
AlternateGarment = 29;

public const uint GoldPrize = 2100075;
public bool IsWorn = false;
public byte[] Buffer;

public static Counter ItemUID = new Counter(0);

private UInt32 mRefineItem = 0;
private DateTime mRefineryTime;
private ulong suspiciousStart = 0, unlockEnd = 0;
private bool unlocking = false;
private uint warehouse = 0;
public Dictionary<uint, string> Agate_map { get; set; }
public DateTime RefineryStarted { get; set; }
public ConquerItem(bool Create)
if (Create)
Buffer = new byte[92];
WriteUInt16(84, 0, Buffer);
WriteUInt16(1008, 2, Buffer);
Mode = Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default;
this.Agate_map = new Dictionary<uint, string>(10);
StatsLoaded = false;

public byte Days
public DateTime DayStamp

public uint UID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 4); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 4, Buffer); }
public uint ID
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 8); }
if (value == 0 && ID != 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid ID for an Item. Please check the stack trace to find the cause.");
WriteUInt32(value, 8, Buffer);
public void SetID(uint ID)
WriteUInt32(ID, 8, Buffer);
public ushort Durability
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 12); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 12, Buffer); }
public ushort MaximDurability
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 14); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 14, Buffer); }
public Enums.ItemMode Mode
get { return (Enums.ItemMode)BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 16); }
set { WriteUInt16((ushort)value, 16, Buffer); }
public ushort Position
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 18); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 18, Buffer); }
public uint Warehouse
get { return warehouse; }
set { warehouse = value; }
public uint SocketProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 20); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 20, Buffer); }
public Enums.Gem SocketOne
get { return (Enums.Gem)Buffer[24]; }
set { Buffer[24] = (byte)value; }
public Enums.Gem SocketTwo
get { return (Enums.Gem)Buffer[25]; }
set { Buffer[25] = (byte)value; }
public Enums.ItemEffect Effect
get { return (Enums.ItemEffect)BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 28); }
set { WriteUInt16((ushort)value, 28, Buffer); }
public byte Plus

get { return Buffer[33]; }
if (value > 12) value = 12;
Buffer[33] = value;
public byte Bless
get { return Buffer[34]; }
set { Buffer[34] = value; }
public bool Bound
get { return Buffer[35] == 0 ? false : true; }
set { Buffer[35] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }
public byte Enchant
get { return Buffer[36]; }
set { Buffer[36] = value; }

public byte NextRed
get { return Buffer[34]; }
set { Buffer[34] = value; }
public byte NextBlue
get { return Buffer[36]; }
set { Buffer[36] = value; }
public byte NextGreen
get { return Buffer[40]; }
set { Buffer[40] = value; }

public bool Suspicious
get { return Buffer[44] == 0 ? false : true; }
set { Buffer[44] = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); }

public byte Lock
get { return Buffer[46]; }
set { Buffer[46] = value; }

public Enums.Color Color
get { return (Enums.Color)BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 48); }
set { WriteUInt32((uint)value, 48, Buffer); }
public uint PlusProgress
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 52); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 52, Buffer); }
public bool Inscribed
return (BitConverter.ToUInt16(this.Buffer, 56) == 1);
Writer.WriteUInt16(value ? ((byte)1) : ((byte)0), 56, this.Buffer);
public uint TimeLeftInMinutes
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt32(Buffer, 60); }
set { WriteUInt32(value, 60, Buffer); }
public ushort StackSize
get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 68); }
set { WriteUInt16(value, 68, Buffer); }
public ushort MaxStackSize
public DateTime SuspiciousStart
get { return DateTime.FromBinary((long)suspiciousStart); }
set { suspiciousStart = (ulong)value.Ticks; }
public DateTime UnlockEnd
get { return DateTime.FromBinary((long)unlockEnd); }
set { unlockEnd = (ulong)value.Ticks; }

public bool Unlocking
get { return unlocking; }
set { unlocking = value; }
public bool MobDropped
public bool StatsLoaded
public string Agate

public byte[] ToArray()
return Buffer;

public void Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class ItemSocket
public const Byte
Phoenix = 0,
Dragon = 1,
Fury = 2,
Rainbow = 3,
Kylin = 4,
Violet = 5,
Moon = 6,
Tortoise = 7,
Thunder = 10,
Glory = 12,

OpenSocket = 255,
NoSocket = 0;

/// <summary>
/// Pass the entire gem's ID, not just the type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Double GetGemBonus(Byte value)
switch (value)
case 71:
return 0.02;
case 72:
return 0.04;
case 1:
case 11:
case 21:
return 0.05;
case 73:
return 0.06;
case 2:
case 12:
case 22:
case 31:
return 0.10;
case 3:
case 23:
case 32:
case 61:
case 13:
return 0.15;
case 33:
return 0.25;
case 51:
case 62:
return 0.30;
case 41:
case 52:
case 63:
return 0.50;
case 42:
case 53:
return 1.00;
case 43:
return 2.00;

case 101:
case 121:
return 100;
case 102:
case 122:
return 300;
case 103:
case 123:
return 500;

return 0;
public Double GemBonus(Byte type)
Double bonus = 0;
if (SocketOne != Enums.Gem.NoSocket)
if ((Int32)SocketOne / 10 == type)
bonus += ItemSocket.GetGemBonus((Byte)SocketOne);
if (SocketTwo != Enums.Gem.NoSocket)
if ((Int32)SocketTwo / 10 == type)
bonus += ItemSocket.GetGemBonus((Byte)SocketTwo);
return bonus;
//public Double GemBonus(Byte type)
// Double bonus = 0;
// if (SocketOne != Enums.Gem.NoSocket)
// {
// if ((Int32)SocketOne / 10 == type)
// bonus += ItemSocket.GetGemBonus((Byte)SocketOne);
// if (SocketTwo != Enums.Gem.NoSocket)
// {
// if ((Int32)SocketTwo / 10 == type)
// bonus += ItemSocket.GetGemBonus((Byte)SocketTwo);
// }
// }
// return bonus;
public override string ToString()
return ID.ToString() + "#"
+ Durability.ToString() + "#"
+ MaximDurability.ToString() + "#"
+ Position.ToString() + "#"
+ SocketProgress.ToString() + "#"
+ ((byte)SocketOne).ToString() + "#"
+ ((byte)SocketTwo).ToString() + "#"
+ ((ushort)Effect).ToString() + "#"
+ Plus.ToString() + "#"
+ Bless.ToString() + "#"
+ (Bound ? "1" : "0") + "#"
+ Enchant.ToString() + "#"
+ (Suspicious ? "1" : "0") + "#"
+ Lock.ToString() + "#"
+ (Unlocking ? "1" : "0") + "#"
+ PlusProgress.ToString() + "#"
+ (Inscribed ? "1" : "0") + "#"
+ suspiciousStart.ToString() + "#"
+ Days.ToString() + "#"
+ DayStamp.ToString() + "#"
+ unlockEnd.ToString();
public string ToLog()
return "UID: " + UID.ToString() + " | "
+ "ID: " + ID.ToString() + " | "
+ "Plus: " + Plus.ToString();
public ItemAdding.Purification_ Purification
public ItemAdding.Refinery_ ExtraEffect
public UInt32 RefineItem
get { return mRefineItem; }
set { mRefineItem = value; }
public void SendExtras(Client.GameData client)
if (client == null)

if (RefineItem != 0)
Refinery.RefineryItem rI = RefineStats;
if (rI != null)
client.Send(new Game_ItemSoul()
ID = rI.Identifier,
Identifier = UID,
Level = rI.Level,
Mode = Game_ItemSoul.Types.Refine,
Percent = rI.Percent,
Type = 1,
Time = (UInt32)(RefineryTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Total Seconds)

ItemAdding add = new ItemAdding(true);
if (Purification.Available)
if (ExtraEffect.Available)
if (Purification.Available || ExtraEffect.Available)

if (Lock == 2)
ItemLock itemLock = new ItemLock(true);
itemLock.UID = UID;
itemLock.ID = ItemLock.UnlockDate;
itemLock.dwParam = (uint)(UnlockEnd.Year * 10000 + UnlockEnd.Month * 100 + UnlockEnd.Day);
public void SendAgate(Client.GameData client)
byte[] buffer = new byte[(40 + (0x30 * this.Agate_map.Count)) + 0x30];
Writer.WriteUInt16((ushort)(buffer.Length - 8), 0, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt16(0x83e, 2, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt32(this.UID, 8, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt32((byte)this.Agate_map.Count, 12, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt32((byte)this.Agate_map.Count, 0x10, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt32(this.Durability, 0x18, buffer);
Writer.WriteUInt32((byte)this.Agate_map.Count, 0x1c, buffer);
if (this.Agate_map.Count > 0)
int offset = 0x20;
for (uint i = 0; i < this.Agate_map.Count; i++)
Writer.WriteUInt32(i, offset, buffer);
offset += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt16(ushort.Parse(this.Agate_map[i].Split(new char[] { '~' })[0].ToString()), offset, buffer);
offset += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt16(ushort.Parse(this.Agate_map[i].Split(new char[] { '~' })[1].ToString()), offset, buffer);
offset += 4;
Writer.WriteUInt16(ushort.Parse(this.Agate_map[i].Split(new char[] { '~' })[2].ToString()), offset, buffer);
offset += 0x24;
public void Send(Client.GameData client)
if (client == null)

if (ID == 300000)
uint G = SocketProgress & 0xFF;
uint B = (SocketProgress >> 8) & 0xFF;
uint R = (SocketProgress >> 16) & 0xFF;

if (NextRed == 0 && NextBlue == 0 && NextGreen == 0)
NextRed = (byte)R;
NextBlue = (byte)B;
NextGreen = (byte)G;
Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateNextSteedColor(thi s);

if (Days > 0)
if (DateTime.Now >= this.DayStamp.AddDays(Days))
client.Send(new Conquer_Online_Server.Network.GamePackets.Message("Your Item Has Expired", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft));
TimeSpan Remain = DayStamp.AddDays(Days) - DateTime.Now;
TimeLeftInMinutes = (uint)Remain.TotalSeconds;


ItemAdding add = new ItemAdding(true);
if (Purification.Available)
if (ExtraEffect.Available)

if (Purification.Available || ExtraEffect.Available)

if (Lock == 2 && (Mode == Enums.ItemMode.Default || Mode == Enums.ItemMode.Update))
ItemLock itemLock = new ItemLock(true);
itemLock.UID = UID;
itemLock.ID = ItemLock.UnlockDate;
itemLock.dwParam = (uint)(UnlockEnd.Year * 10000 + UnlockEnd.Month * 100 + UnlockEnd.Day);
Mode = Enums.ItemMode.Default;
// client.Send(Buffer);
public static Boolean isRune(UInt32 itemid)
if (itemid >= 729960 && itemid <= 729970)
return true;
return false;
public ushort Vigor
public short BattlePower
short potBase = 0;
byte Quality = (byte)(ID % 10);
if (Quality >= 5)
potBase += (byte)(Quality - 5);
potBase += Plus;
if (SocketOne != Enums.Gem.NoSocket) potBase++;
if (SocketTwo != Enums.Gem.NoSocket) potBase++;
if (((byte)SocketOne) % 10 == 3) potBase++;
if (((byte)SocketTwo) % 10 == 3) potBase++;

if (ID / 1000 == 421 || PacketHandler.IsTwoHand(ID))
potBase *= 2;
return potBase;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)this.UID;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return (obj as ConquerItem).UID == GetHashCode();
public Refinery.RefineryItem RefineStats
Refinery.RefineryItem i = null;
Kernel.DatabaseRefinery.TryGetValue(RefineItem, out i);
return i;
public DateTime RefineryTime
get { return mRefineryTime; }
set { mRefineryTime = value; }
public bool IsTwoHander()
ItemTypes item_type = (ItemTypes)GetItemType();
bool check = ((UInt16)item_type >= 500 && (UInt16)item_type <= 580);
if (check)
check = (item_type != ItemTypes.ShieldID);
if (check)
check = (item_type != ItemTypes.NinjaSwordID);
if (check)
check = (item_type != ItemTypes.MonkBeadsID);
return check;
public ItemTypes GetItemType()
return (ItemTypes)(this.ID / 1000);
public static void CheckItemExtra(ConquerItem i, Client.GameData c)
if (i.RefineryTime.Ticks != 0)
if (DateTime.Now > i.RefineryTime)
i.RefineItem = 0;
i.RefineryTime = new DateTime(0);

Game_ItemSoul expire = new Game_ItemSoul()
Identifier = i.UID


if (!c.Equipment.Free(i.Position))
//c.UnloadItemStats(i, true);
public enum ItemTypes : ushort
BowID = 500,
ArrowID = 1050,
ShieldID = 900,
BackswordID = 421,
BladeID = 410,
SwordID = 420,
NinjaSwordID = 601,
MonkBeadsID = 610,
FanID = 201,
TowerID = 202,
CropID = 203,
GarmentID_1 = 181,
GarmentID_2 = 182,
BottleID = 2100,
GemID = 700,
PickaxeID = 562,
RingID = 150,
BootID = 160,
SteedArmorID = 200,

NecklaceID = 120,
BraceletID = 152,
BagID = 121,
RightAccessory1 = 350,
RightAccessory2 = 360,
RightAccessory3 = 370,
LeftAccessory = 380

public uint OriginalUID { get; set; }

} وفتـح كـلآس

ConquerItemInformationبدلو بـالاكواد دي

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيفورفع الملفات دي علي النافي كات

عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيفالحل نهائي انشاء الله

وملف اتاك نضيف انشاء الله

سلآموز عفواً لايمكن عرض الروابط في الإرشيف